Monday 16 April 2012


For my double page spread the only think that I needed to change from the feed backs that I got from my teacher and class mate is to change the picture that in used on the left page because it look distorted, to check for spelling mistake and my paragraphs were not the same size. I changed the background colours to white in order for it to match with my new colours scheme. I add more pictures of the artist performing this will make the audience want to go and see her perform and also to give them an idea of what the artist has been up to. I removed the issue number from the page because it not meant to be placed on the double page spread and that is something new that I have learned when analysing magazine. I have not used a long short and an over the shoulder shot in my front cover or contents page so I decided to use it on here because it keeps the reader interested when looking at different picture shots instead of the same short therefore making my magazine more effective. I have also place on the left page next to the main picture the name of the photographer because artist who are interested in photography will want to buy my magazine to  look at new photography artist that are out there and also how to get in contact with them.  I have change the layout of my to allow the image on the left to stand out more as the other pictures are small therefore the audience will be able to see the artist properly and have a better connection with the artist.


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