Monday 16 April 2012


When re-drafting my music magazine, I decided to start from scratch because I felt that I didn’t meet the professional standard of a music magazine.  My front cover was not that creative and I didn’t spend a lot of time on it than I should have. I wanted to attract younger audience for my magazine but I have failed to do that because I have used an image of a much old person. However, in my redrafting I feel that my magazine has reached a professional standard and I feel that changing my main image will allow me to target a much younger audience but also keeping older audience interested also as they are more likely to buy jazz magazines. Changing my colour scheme and background colour, I think was a good idea because it allowed me to explore more with my colours and also to find a colour that will look appropriate and professional that will make my audience want to buy my magazine. My front cover magazine have developed the form and conventions of a real music magazines because I have taken ideas from music magazines that I have researched and studied for example Jazztimes, Jazzwise, Downbeat which are popular jazz magazines. These magazines have used one artist on their front cover of the magazine, of the artist playing an instrument or holding or no instruments at all. I have developed this by my artist not playing or holding an instrument but being placed next to an instrument, I did these in because I wanted my magazine to look unique as no other magazines have done this before. I think this is a good idea as it will catch my audience eyes as they are also looking for new treads to follow and this could be it. Even I have not used the same name as other as other jazz magazines; I have used the same white colour this is because I felt that it stands out better than from my background and it a colour that will catch your eyes from a far distance. I felt that my colour scheme that I used in my first draft was too crazy and busy and jazz is all about simplicity and I think that I have lots this affect, and also in my layout. But changing my colour scheme to white, blue, pink and black I felt that this works better that also because I wanted to challenge the codes and conventions of the real music magazines and not only use three colours therefore making my magazine different from others. I changed my unique selling line because it was similar to what other magazines have on their front cover, and this will make my magazine different from others and also telling the audience that my magazine is the only one that will give them this feeling of jazz. I added more cover lines of artist because I feel that the audience are more interested in who is going to appear in the magazines and what they are up to but I changed the layout because I felt that in my first draft my main cover line did not stand out from the other cover lines therefore my audience will not be able to link my main cover line to that artist so by moving it away from my other cover lines it can be easily identified.   


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