Monday 16 April 2012

Week 10

Week 10
1. In what ways are you designing your media product to use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
For my media product I have chosen the Jazz genre for my music magazine, this means that I will be following or breaking the code and conventions of music magazines for example sell-line, main image, min cover story, price top and bottom strip, barcode, date, issue number cover line and masthead. In my magazine I will not stick to all the codes and convention of a real magazine because my finishing product will be the same as other magazines out there, I don’t want that I want my magazine to be unique. I will do this by attracting my target audience through the ideology of the front cover of my magazine.
2. How are you designing your media product to represent particular social groups?
The ways in which I will be designing my product to represent particular social groups is by targeting people that are lower class and middle class, students and adults. Real Jazz magazines target people that are middle class on the socio-economic scale, because the magazine is aimed at people age 30 and above. The reason for this is because they are an easy target as they will be able to buy the magazine and are more likely to make more money that lower class people. The models that are featured on the cover are famous artist that dress is smart clothing from big brands therefore their audience will want to be inspired by them, they will want to dress the same way they are dressing. Jazz magazines are not as competitive men and women are portrayed the same way whereas in other magazine genre like Vibe. The main image of the man will be a close up there for making him powerful and dominant but when it’s a picture of a female the camera will be lowered to make her feel less powerful. However, jazz magazines use a close up of both female and male making them equal. The artists have direct contact with the camera therefore connecting with the audience. On my front cover I will use interesting cover lines that will make my readers what to find out more about my magazines, so make sure that my magazine has that relax and classy look to it which will allow me to represent particular social group within Jazz audience and other people who are not a big fan of jazz but are interested by it.
3. How are you attracting/addressing your audience?

 To attract and address my target audience I will use colour that will appeal to my audience both male and female a lot of different colours to draw my audience in. Jazz is meant to be fun and relaxing. I will also use some anchorage technique to such as declaratives-exclusive, special, imperatives verbs- Buy, Get and Now, unique selling line which will inform the reader that my magazine will be the best and its unique from any other magazines and they are get the best magazine as everything that is in the magazine will not be found in other magazine, so it’s exclusive only in this magazine and if they don’t buy this magazine they will be missing out on great interviews and deals. My magazine is informal but at the same time formal because target both old and young audience so I have to keep a balance. My main cover line will be in a bigger font than all the other cover line, so that it stand out from the rest and the audience will know that that the main story of the magazine and will be able to link it to the main image.


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