Monday 16 April 2012


1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

For my music magazine project, I have chosen to produce a Jazz magazine. After doing a lot of research I did realise that Jazz magazines in the way they look and their quality have a set high standard for me therefore my magazine have to reach to their standard or higher. I chose to look at both jazz magazines and other magazines such as NME and Vibe to just give me an understanding about most magazines that are out there. This was very useful as I noticed that all magazines follow the codes and conventions of a magazine, however there are some differences because some magazines do break the codes and conventions of a magazine therefore the might look different to other magazines. Looking back also at college magazines and life style magazines there is not a lot of difference, although the only difference is that is not just music artists that are featured in tem also celebrities and student whereas in a music magazines you are mostly going to see music artist. All magazines include tasters, advertisements, interviews and reviews which allow their product to be sold. I would say that the most important technique that Jazz magazines and other music magazines use to draw their audience in is their own unique selling lines, free items for example CD’s masthead, main image and exclusive. In my magazine I will try to incorporate all of these codes and conventions so that my magazine will be at professional standard.

Below are some pictures of what artist on the front cover of jazz magazine wear. I have also added a link below which talks about what artist should wear and why. It also says that artist should dress smartly because they will be judge by their first impression.
‘Remember, your fellow musicians will judge your social standing on your turnout ( as you will judge theirs ) - and a bad choice of dress may well mean that not only do you not get first dibs for the lead alto chair, you may also end up having to help the drummer pack his kit away.’
I also got this quote from the website below


Looking at most jazz magazines, there will be an artist holding or playing an instrument on the front cover and throughout the magazine, so here are some examples of instruments that are used in a jazz magazine.

This link tells you about the history of jazz. That it inherited from Africa the time of slavery.

2. How does your media product represent particular social groups?
Jazz magazines aim to target more adults than young youth and children because majority of young people are more interested in Hip-hop/Rap, Rock and Roll and so much more.  The target audience for Jazz magazine are people from age 30 and above, working class people. The target audience for my music magazines are 18 and above because looking at the graphs that I did, young people had little interested in jazz magazine or jazz music because the music itself and the magazines have been produce for people that are older. By featuring younger artist in my magazine I think will draw the younger audience.

Q3. What kind of media institution might produce your media product and why?
The media institutions that will produces my music magazine are newsagents, supermarkets, store like Tesco, Marks & Spenser, Sainsbury’s the reason for this is because it will bring more audiences to their and because my magazine is unique from other Jazz magazines.

Q4. Who would be the audience for your media product?
The audience for my media product will be lower working class to middle working class from age 18 and above. My magazine will be distributed all around the UK and if my magazines become a success then I would want my magazine to go worldwide. My target will be both male and female and for all culture.  Also jazz musician because they can help my magazine to go viral. 


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