Sunday 6 November 2011

My final evaluation of my front cover and contents page

When creating my college magazine I have challenged the codes and conventions of other school magazines. I researched other school magazine to get ideas of how my product should look like. I have focused on the conventions of real magazine such as masthead, barcode, cover lines, date and selling lines which I have used as a guide to create my college magazine. These conventions can also be broken. There are minor and major aspects of a magazine that I have used to make my magazine look professional. To follow the code and conventions I had to use colour schemes of around 3 colours. I have broken this convention because I have used five which would cost me more to print, on like using three colours which would have cost me less.

Following the codes and conventions I used a main image, which I took at medium close up and manipulated I Photoshop by cropping the image and giving it a new background. To make it look more suitable and professional for a school magazine. On my front cover I have broken the codes and conventions by placing my masthead on top of my main image when it’s meant to be behind the main image but I also followed the conventions by making my masthead bold and placing it on top of the page.

I have used different digital technology such as Microsoft power, Photoshop, InDesign to help me create my magazine cover.

My media product audience is mainly aimed at student age 16-19 years, which is the age that student are believed to be in college. However, there would be students who are a lot younger at college or older so it could appeal to them. Colour. My magazine would be used to promote the college, to influence student study more. Also when parents come to visit the college they would know what is going on in college by reading the magazine. During the process of creating my school magazine I have learned a lot of techniques especially on InDesign, playing about with different layout, colours and text.

In Photoshop and InDesign I have learned basic image editing techniques from producing my school magazine for examples by cropping out pictures and using different background colour and playing about with certain images so they appear more suitable for my cover. I have also gained an understanding about the conventions of a school magazine in team’s conventions in layout content and colour schemes. The thing that I would do differently is my background colour as the colour of my front cover and contents page are not the same, it makes it look a little bit like two different magazine.  My magazine cover is too simple and plain I could have added other pictures or use my colours creatively. 


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