Friday 28 October 2011

When producing a college front cover and contents page

At the start of our foundation portfolio preliminary task as a class we looked at the media key concepts of how to it could be applied to produce a magazine. When creating my front cover and contents page I used the acronym LIIAR: Language, Institution, Ideology, Audience and Representation. 

L- language. The language of the magazine is what allows the reader to carry on reading and the print layout of the magazine is extremely important. However the contents page is not as immensely important as the front cover due to the fact that if the front cover does not impress the reader it’s very likely that the will buy the magazine. The languages aim on the front cover of a magazine is to impress and to inform the reader what type of magazine they are going to buy

I-institution. The institution of a magazine is what controls the production process and how it affects the final product. The cover of the magazine will appeal to student more than the staff because it’s a college magazine and it will have a more direct approach to then.

I-ideology.  Ideology is the main set ideas and the system of beliefs about social groups and values which is shared in within the society. For example the ideology is what is what the main cover of a magazine is telling you.

A- audience. The audience is who the magazine is aimed at or the consumer of the media. The target audience for magazines are highly important because without the audience the magazine will not sell. For a college magazine the target audience will be the students from age 16-19 and the staff in thee college

R- representation. The representations are the people who appear in the magazine and how they are portrayed. Students and teachers are the people that normally appear on the front cover or something that is college related.


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