Monday 16 April 2012


1. In what ways are you designing your media product to use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

I think that I have challenged the form and conventions of real magazines because in jazz magazine the only use one image for the contents page but here I have used four images. My main cover story is in large font than other texts on the page, therefore making it stand out from the other contents on the page apart from the title which is the largest. I noticed that real Jazz magazines have the same fonts for all their cover lines making them all of importance but for my contents page I have made the main story of more importance than the other this helps to differentiate my magazine from others. Plus I have also used pictures of young youth that you would not find in real jazz magazines as they only target people age 30 and above. I have also used black and white pictures to give my magazine an old fashion look.

2. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
Each time I use InDesign I get better at it and you would see this improvement as my work progresses. I’ve learnt how place a lighter colour on top of my background colour, behind my pictures this was to create like a framing idea of the pictures, instead of just placing this pictures on the background. This was very hard to do as I had to play with a lot of tools in InDesign. I also learnt how to use my columns correctly. 
3. Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?  
Looking back at my preliminary and comparing to my progression of my music magazine product I feel like have learnt a lot of technical thing and also gained more knowledge of real magazines which I have taken ideas from to create my product. I would say that for my preliminary task I did not take my colour scheme in to any consideration as I just used all sorts of colour and my magazine lost that professional look and standard. But know looking at my content page I have learnt that less colour is best as it makes my work look effective and professional.


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