Monday 16 April 2012


1. In what ways are you designing your media product to use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
This magazine is aimed at young people age 16 -24 because due to the majority of the music magazine itself. I will say that this magazine is about finding the next big thing because when I was looking at the feature section there are 15 new bands which will catch the audience interests has the always follow new trends. The genre of this magazine is mostly indie/rock other genres are featured in the magazine as well for example R&B. The price for this magazine is £2.30 therefore they are targeting lower class towards middle class people. I would say that the layout of the magazines is simple but however I dislike the way the feature, regulars, reviews and tasters have being but in one column. It looks over crowded. When I was reading it I had to pay create attention to look for what I want, I found it very difficult and I’m sure people will. On the other side it was also good that the artist names were in alphabetical order and because the contents have page number it is easier for the readers to find what they are looking for.
I was very unsure about what page was the contents because most magazine  contents page will have the word ‘contents’ on it but this one doesn’t but instead say ‘what’s in side’ this therefore gives this magazine uniqueness. The emphasis of the main actual is effective because they have used the title Snapshot this makes the main story more effective because they said snapshot maybe this picture way hard to get and therefore will get more audience wanting to buy the magazine because they wouldn’t have this shot. The website of the magazine is in bold therefore making it stand out to catch the audience eye and they can go on the website and find out new information and watch videos and listen to songs. The use of subscription gains the company consistence audience and reliable money. 

The genre of this magazine is jazz and the masthead is placed at the top left of the page, therefore it will be the first thing that the audience will see when they look at the page. The main image takes up the whole contents page their making the artist dominant over everything else that is on the page therefore making him the most important. In the layout of this content page we also see that there are only contents featured on this page. Whereas in other magazines there is a lot more, for example most magazine will have a column for their features, regulars, reviews and taster but this magazine doesn’t so therefore again showing its uniqueness. The font that is used for this magazine is san-serif giving it that classy and smooth look therefore giving it a professional standard. All the cover lines are in bold and same size which connotes their importance. Again JAZZIZ magazine have broken the codes and conventions of a magazine because your main cover story cover line on your contents page is meant to be the largest font on the page apart from the title. All of these changes may catch the eye of an audience that normally buy music magazines and I think this will draw them in as they would want to know what this magazine is about. The background is of a street but it fades in to a white colour giving the contents page that simplistic and relaxed look about the magazine. This also allows all the focus to be on the artist as he is of more importance. The image that is used in this on the cover is a long shot of the artist walking in the street this therefore allows his body poster to show, which portray that his relaxed and a laid back personality  because his has his hands in his pockets. In this picture there is two message being sent out through his character, the fact that there is and innocence thing about him but also through his cheeky grin and messy hair it like his hiding something or he knows something that the audience doesn’t. This use of layout on NME contents page is very effected so thin that I night include that on to my contents page. I think cheekiness of the artist in the JAZZIZ magazine and the relaxed vibe, I will consider when creating my contents page.

2. How are you designing your media product to represent particular social groups?
I’m designing my media product to represent particular social groups by making my artist wear smart clothing because in all Jazz magazine the artist have a very sophisticated and powerful look as they are always wearing  smart suits, for examples jumpers, tie, smart dresses, smart shirts and blazers which gives them that high class look and you would never not that I know off come across a person at a gig performing a song that is a jazz genre to be wearing late party clothing or dress that shows women breast as in other magazine like vibe and scores. In order for me to target my right audience I will have to follow the smart look if I want to target the right audience.

3. How are you attracting/addressing your audience?
To attract my audience I will make my main image stand out and catchy so that it will draw the audience in. In my cover lines I will mention existing artist that are out there both famous and upcoming artist. I will also attract my audience through the use of my colour and persuasive texts.


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