Monday 16 April 2012


1. In what ways are you designing your media product to use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

The content of a double page spread is question and answer which also has one or two pictures in the article. Below I have done an analysis of Jazz magazine.

Again the font that is used on this page is san-serif which is in bold and it’s also the biggest font on the page, this will quickly draw the reader’s attention. I think it slightly takes away the attention of the main image because when you open a magazine the left page is the first thing you see, and because the text is on the left page, the readers are more likely to be attracted to it first. Therefore, making the text more important than the actual picture itself.
This double page is very simple doesn’t have a lot of text this is effective because is all about simplicity and thing being clam , not loud  with colour and over crowded with words therefore giving it a classy and more of a sophisticated look.  On the left page the image takes up the whole page this shows dominance and power of the artist. This is effective because it the first thing that will catch the readers eyes. The article is in two columns that are the same size and it neatly done. The colour that is use is very powerful as purple is a cool colour therefore matches the style of Jazz.
The image that is used is a long shot of Cullum, and because it is the only picture on the page it therefore dominates the left side of the left page, this allows the audience to read his body language which portrays that he is very powerful and very confident in his self as he looks directly in to the camera. He has a relaxed personality. People who read this magazine might become influenced by him because he is dressed smart but have very messy hair and because it suit his look this could become the latest trend as audience love to dress like the people they see on magazines as they also want to be like them.

2. How are you designing your media product to represent particular social groups?
I am designing my media product to represent social groups by creating a transcript for my double page spread that will inform the audience about the artist life style and experiences and journey of becoming an artist and also something that the audience can relate to with the artist.
3. How are you attracting/addressing your audience?
In order to keep my audience interested in my magazine I will use different pictures of my artist at events and also professional pictures. I will also use quotes that will be in a different colour to the rest of the texts that on the page to make it stand out and make it eye catchy.


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